2022-06-24 19:27:14 By : Mr. Heculus Sun

For Sale: John Deere MX8 shredder, 8’, (2) to choose from $3500 OBO ; Wanted: 22-24’ Bay boat, outboard motor – 979-716-2385

For Sale: steel corrugated culvert pipe, 12”x20’, slightly used, exce. cond., (4.5) joints $225/joint ; steel connectors/couplers $30 ea. ; plastic corrugated culvert pipe, 12”x20’, like new, (3) joints $175/joint – 979-251-1881 LM

For Sale: BBQ pit, has propane grill on one side and charcoal pit on other $25 ; electric smoker, lg. enough for brisket $10 ; full size refrigerator $25 ; curio cabinet $25 ; can send pictures – 979-203-3980

For Sale: ’16 GMC Terrain SLE, black, clean, one owner, great cond. $15,500 – 979-451-0361

For Sale: refrigerator, white, very clean $80 – 979-551-3012

Wanted: milk cow, prefer Jersey or Guernsey ; For Sale: bottle bull calf, 2 mo. old -- 979-830-7746

For Sale: (4) Michelin tires, 17”, came off Honda HRV $200/all ; recliner, mocha color, NO rips or tears $50 ; For FREE: La-Z-Boy recliner, green, has some tears – 713-818-2940 (Carmine)

Wanted: someone that fix drivers side window, stuck inside door and won’t come up, need help removing door panel – 979-966-2389

FOUND: set of keys, on Industrial Blvd., near intersection, found 1 week ago – 979-836-7218

For Sale: AKC Chocolate Lab, male, 9 wks. old, dew claws removed, has shots and dewormed $200 – 979-777-4515

For Sale: water tank for water well, galvanized, 24”x5’ $75 -- 979-289-0464

For Sale: Stihl weed eater, heavy duty $180 – 979-966-3723

For Sale: motor and transmission from ’02 Dodge van $1000 – 713-376-1693

Wanted: 4-barrel carburetor for ’86 Chevy truck (350 engine), ready to install – 979-525-1839

For Sale: ’97 Ford F-250, needs title, cab and half, 4x4, 5.8L, runs and drives, needs some work $4000 – 843-480-8373

Garage Sale: Thur. 7a-3p 8320 New Wehdem Rd. (3 mi. from Kenney Store) ; lots of stuff – 979-733-7847

For Sale: canning jars, older ; older console TV ; Craftsman riding mower ; Wanted: sm. older work truck – 979-885-8515

For Sale: Chiweenie pups, very sm., sm., and med size – 713-592-2355

For FREE: 80’s model travel trailer, 32’, bumper pull, YOU MUST HAUL OFF, salvage, can send pictures – 979-530-8955

For Sale: 250 gal. butane tank ; Wanted: washing machine, good cond. – 979-324-6837

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